November 15, 2016
WASHINGTON, D.C.— More than 200 ethnic American organizations have now pledged support for the creation of the National Museum of the American People. The museum can serve as a symbolic vehicle for national reconciliation after what has been a divisive election season.
The proposed museum will tell the story about the making of all of the American People. All Americans are part of one of the greatest stories in human history about peoples coming here from every corner of Earth and who created and continue to build a nation that leads the world economically, militarily, scientifically and culturally.
"The spectrum of ethnic, nationality and minority organizations supporting the NMAP will constitute a core constituency of the museum," said Sam Eskenazi, director of the coalition supporting the creation of the museum. "In the course of telling the story about the making of the American People, the museum will tell every group's history. Following the opening of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, the NMAP should be the next great national museum to grace our nation's capital."
The 200 organizations are in 69 categories (the largest 20 in bold) including:
About the National Museum of the American People: The museum will tell its story starting with the first humans in the Western Hemisphere and continuing through today. The story will be told as if the visitor was walking through a dramatic documentary film about the making of the American People.
To interview Sam Eskenazi:; 202-744-1868.
For more information about this project, go to