Media Coverage of the National Museum of the American People

Irish Central (June 17, 2024)

Irish American Groups Support Efforts for New National Museum of the American People

Irish groups including the Irish-American Unity Conference, the Ancient Order of Hibernians, and the American Irish Historical Society are among the coalition of over 250 ethnic organizations pushing for establishment of the new museum.

PW Perspective (March 23, 2022)

Rev. Al Sharpton and National Urban League Endorse Coalition to Build New National Museum

On Wednesday the Coalition to Build the National Museum of the American People announced that Rev. Al Sharpton and Marc Morial, president of the National Urban League, have signed on to support the proposed museum to be built in Washington, D.C.

PW Perspective (March 3, 2022)

Video: The Making of the American People Panel

PW Perspective is proud to support the Coalition to Build the National Museum of the American People and the story-oriented perspective that it will bring.

Her Campus (March 1, 2022)

Proposed D.C. Museum Will Highlight America as a Land of Immigrants

Home to over 70 museums, Washington, D.C. embraces a culture of learning through exhibitions, artifacts and storytelling. Sam Eskenazi, however, identified a vacancy amidst the buildings that feature everything from Renaissance art to dinosaur fossils: the story of immigration.

Red Lake Nation News (June 21, 2021)

Sen. Schatz Proposes White House Commission To Explore National Story-Telling Museum About the Making of the American People

Sen. Brian Schatz, D-HI, this week introduced legislation proposing a new national museum to tell the story about the making of the American People. The museum's dramatic story begins with the first humans in the Western Hemisphere and proceeds through today.

Red Lake Nation News (December 20, 2018)

A Museum to Bridge Our Nation's Rift

The NMAP is about the making of the American People – all of us. It will tell every group's story from the first humans in the Western Hemisphere to today.

Washington Sun (February 7, 2018)

Smithsonian Asked to Study New Museum About Making of the American People

The Smithsonian Institution has been asked to srudy the feasibility of establishing a new national museum in Washington telling the story about the making of the American people. The request was made by the Coalition for the National Museum of the American People which is composed of 239 ethnic, nationality and minority organizations.

DCist (June 28, 2017)

Ten Museums That Don’t Exist in D.C. ... Yet
by Nathaniel Koch

D.C. is both a tourist spend-zone and a national stage, and at times it can seem that everyone with a vault full of goodies (or an outreach program) wants to plant a museum here. By now you probably know that, come this fall, you'll be able to tour the latest big addition to the city’s stock, the Museum of the Bible. But there are nine more museums you may not have heard of which plan (or hope) to open in the capital soon.

Washingtonian (October 26, 2016)

The Next Great Smithsonian Museum Won't Fit on the Mall
by Benjamin Freed

Then there's Sam Eskenazi, a former Holocaust Museum official who has spent his retirement years clamoring for a National Museum of the American People, to document 20,000 years of immigration. He's got a roster of ethnic organizations backing his idea and limited support in Congress, including from Virginia's Jim Moran.

Maclean's (September 27, 2016)

Museum of African-American History: Admission is free. Exit is not.
by Allen Abel

"All the Smithsonian museums are artifact-driven," Eskenazi told Maclean's, brandishing endorsements from groups representing dozens of ethnic groups from the Albanians to the Welsh. "My model is story-driven. My museum covers everybody."

The Washington Post (September 25, 2016)

An extra patina of pride on African American Museum's second day
by Krissah Thompson, Peggy McGlone and Jessica Contrera

Backers of an effort to build a National Museum of the American People to "tell every American ethnic and minority group’s story about their journey to get here, and what they accomplished," are calling for a presidential commission in 2017.

Roll Call (October 19, 2015)

National Museum of the American People Gets Senator's Support
by Bridget Bowman

"The story of America is a story about immigration," Schatz said in a statement. "For generations, people from around the world and from all walks of life have come to the United States to build better lives for themselves and for their families."

Associated Press (October 1, 2015)

(The piece below was picked up by The Washington Post, San Francisco Gate, WJLA ABC News, Baltimore CBS Local, The Washington Times and Federal News Radio among other media outlets.)

American People Museum Proponents Ask Obama To Create Study Commission
Associated Press

Supporters of an immigration museum on the National Mall are now appealing directly to President Barack Obama to jump-start the project.

The Post Eagle (May 19, 2014)

Leaders of 9 More Ethnic /Minority Nationality House Caucuses Now Back American People Museum
by PostEagle

Leaders of nine ethnic, nationality and minority House caucuses have become cosponsors in recent weeks of a resolution backing the proposed National Museum of the American People.

DC Curbed (December 23, 2013)

How the Museum of the American People Can Renew Southwest
by Valerie Paschall

The National Museum of the American People is not only your favorite museum that has not yet arrived, it could be a vital part in the development of Southwest's Waterfront neighborhood. The museum's founder Sam Eskenazi believes that having a museum at his preferred site of Banneker Overlook could help draw tourists toward the developing Waterfront.

National Public Radio (December 7, 2013)

National Campaign to Build Latino History Museum Comes to LA
by Josie Huang

"Having a Latino museum would give us a platform so we're not relegated to having a one-off exhibition that happens every 10 years -- which has been the case thus far in institutions in California," Rivas said.
But others question how much value an American Latino museum would bring. Some critics feel the experience of Mexican-Americans will dominate the museum because they are the largest Hispanic subgroup. Others say that museums should not be split up by ethnicity and prefer another proposal pending in Washington: the National Museum of the American People would look at the immigration experience across different racial backgrounds.

Washington Business Journal (December 5, 2013)

One Man's Dream of a Museum of the American People
by Rebecca Cooper

Sam Eskenazi still wants to tell the story of Americans, from the country's earliest inhabitants to its most recent immigrants, in the Museum of the American People, a new museum near the National Mall in Washington.

National Journal (December 1, 2013)

An American Dream for a New Museum
by Courtney McBride

Retired federal employee Sam Eskenazi is leading a one-man crusade to establish the National Museum of the American People, which he envisions as a place for "story-telling" on the National Mall along the lines of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.
An eight-year veteran of the Holocaust Museum, where he served as public-affairs director both before and after its opening in 1993, Eskenazi believes that the myriad museums in Washington fail to convey the essential components of American history and identity.

La Opinión (October 17, 2013)

Museo Latino va a paso lento en Washington
por Antonieta Cádiz

"Queremos contar la historia de todos los grupos que componen este país: latinos, alemanes, italianos, etc. Si todo sale bien esperamos estar abriendo las puertas en 2021. No estamos pidiendo ningún tipo de fondo federal. El museo se sostendrá con donaciones privadas", explicó Sam Eskenazi, líder de la coalición para impulsar el Museo del Pueblo Estadounidense.

Fox News Latino (October 11, 2013)

Will Proposed Immigrant Museum Doom Chances For New Latino Museum?

The immigrant experience museum, tentatively referred to as the National Museum of the American People, would look at many different groups, including Latinos, but generally stick to their arrival, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Huffington Post Latino Voices (October 8, 2013)

National Museum Of The American Latino Could Be Threatened By Immigrant Museum
by Tony Castro

Supporters of the broader immigrant experience facility, known as the National Museum of the American People are pushing for Congress to press for a feasibility study.

Los Angeles Times (September 28, 2013)

Is U.S. Latino Museum bid in horse race with immigration museum?
by Mike Boehm

The already difficult path to creating a National Museum of the American Latino has gotten bumpier because of another museum proposal now pending before Congress – this one aiming to establish a national museum in Washington, D.C., dedicated to the entire immigrant experience.

WAMU 88.5 (April 14, 2013)

Lawmakers Propose National Museum of the American People
by Matt Laslo

Virginia Rep. Jim Moran says a National Museum of the American People could have a unifying affect. "We've got such a multiplicity of ethnicities that maybe we should consider having a museum that underscores our commonality rather than our differences."

Washington Post (February 24, 2012)

A museum for American ingenuity?
by Steven Pearlstein

Congressman Jim Moran of Virginia has been a courageous voice against this balkanization of the Mall. "I don't want a situation where whites go to the original museum, African Americans go to the African American museum, Indians go to the Indian museum, Hispanics go to the Latino American museum," he said. "That's not America."

Washington Post (October 2, 2011)

On the Mall, homage to the melting pot?
by Manuel Roig-Franzia

Rep. James P. Moran (D-Va.) is sponsoring the legislation that would create a presidential commission to study the Museum of the American People proposal and has rounded up about 20 co-sponsors. He realizes that the museum could be a long way off, but he likes the idea of drawing a line now, "before we have any proliferation of additional ethnic museums."

New York Times (July 6, 2011)

Congressman Supports Melting-Pot Museum
by Kate Taylor

Representative James P. Moran, a Virginia Democrat who is concerned about the propagation of ethnic museums on the National Mall in Washington, sees a possible antidote: a National Museum of the American People, dedicated, in the words of a resolution Mr. Moran plans to introduce in the House, to celebrating all immigrants, "from the very first to the most recent."

Politico (July 6, 2011)

Telling the story of all Americans
by Rep. Jim Moran

During the Fourth of July weekend, hundreds of thousands of people visited the National Mall to watch fireworks, tour museums and monuments and revisit the story of our country's founding and development as a beacon of democracy and freedom.
But the full narrative - who we are as a nation and the many vibrant ethnicities that make up the fabric of the American experience - remains incomplete. This story about the making of the American people - all the people - needs to be told in our nation's capital.

Fox News (July 7, 2011)

Lawmakers Push for an Immigration Museum on the National Mall
by Elizabeth Llorente

Two congressional lawmakers are expected to introduce legislation Thursday asking for a commission to examine the creation of an immigration museum in Washington D.C.
The legislators, Virginia Rep. Jim Moran, a Democrat, and Tennessee Rep. John Duncan, a Republican, want the museum, tentatively called the National Museum of the American People, to tell the story of immigration to the United States.

The Associated Press (July 7, 2011)

Moran, others in Congress seek study to create new Museum of American People on immigration
by Brent Zongker

Several members of Congress called Thursday for a presidential commission to study the formation of a "melting pot museum" in Washington to tell the history of immigration and migration that formed the nation.

CNN Politics (July 7, 2011)

Lawmakers propose immigration museum on National Mall
by CNN Wire Staff

A group of U.S. lawmakers pushed for the creation of a "melting pot museum" on the National Mall, calling Thursday for a presidential commission to study the idea.
The Museum of the American People would focus on the role immigration and migration played in the development of American society, said Rep. Jim Moran, D-Virginia, who introduced a bill about the museum Thursday.

Washington Post (February 9, 2011)

Coalition supports a new museum for "American People"
by Jacqueline Trescott

The Washington Post's ArtsPost page covered the Feb. 7th Press Event of the Coalition, interviewing Sam Eskenazi and a number of the representatives of the Coalition's supporting organizations, and addressing questions about it's location and funding plans.

Associated Press Pick-Ups:

The Associated Press's reporter Brett Zonger talked to Sam Eskenazi about the Coalition for the National Museum of the American People and sent it out over the wire the week of February 5th, 2011. To date, the story has been picked up by quite a number of the nation’s top newspapers, including the Wall Street Journal, Seattle Times and the San Francisco Examiner.

Washington City Paper (April 2011)

Best Museum That Doesn't Exist Yet
by Lydia DePillis

"... it's hard not to love the idealism of the National Museum of the American People, which eschews the single-identity approach in favor of commemorating all the ethnic groups in the United States at once. Besides a permanent exhibition, the museum would house a National Genealogical Center and a Center for the Advanced Study of the American People."

New America Media (February 27, 2011)

A Museum for the Immigrants Who Make Up One America
by Khalil Abdullah

New America Media's exceptional article on the National Museum of the American People, its plan, its goals and its members.

NBC Washington (February 10, 2011)

Another Museum May Land on the National Mall
by Tim Persinko

The local Washington, DC NBC affiliate attended the Feb. 7th Press Event and reported on the Coalition's plans in their "Local Beat" news, with links to associated stories regarding the project.

Voice of America - Armenian (video) (February 10, 2011)

New Museum: USA

The Voice of America sent a camera crew to do a detailed 3 1/2 minute video piece for its Armenian Language news, showing the testimonials of several Coalition participants and interviewing representatives.