
This report, Bringing All Americans Together, was created to provide a plan for Congress and the President to create the National Museum of the American People (NMAP). The museum is about the making of the American People.

The report spells out what the museum is, why our nation needs it, where it might be located in our nation's capital, how much it could cost, how funds would be raised, and how it can become a reality.

The museum will show how the Constitution of the United States as amended anchors our democracy and serves as the center of gravity of what makes us Americans. It spells out our freedoms and rights as it created the government of the United States with power stemming from We the People.

The Constitution is what our Presidents, Members of Congress, judges, governors, civil servants and military swear an oath to uphold. Every new citizen who comes to our nation dreaming of becoming an American must take an oath to protect the Constitution.

This report concludes that our nation needs the National Museum of the American People now as a vehicle to bring all Americans together. The NMAP, literally, does just that as it tells the powerful story about the making of the American People from the very first humans on this land some 20,000 or more years ago through today.

This is our story. It includes all of us.